RASC updates due to COVID-19

Dear RASC Members,
In response to the global pandemic of COVID-19, Railway Association of Southern California (RASC) is committed to reducing the adverse impacts of this pandemic by practicing and promoting social (physical) distancing. We will be canceling all in person events until further notice, to ensure safety, to promote health, and to follow Federal and State of California mandates. This will impact our first keystone event of the year, the Annual Scholarship Dinner held in May which will be postponed to a later date.

We have moved all our operations to a virtual setting and are looking into virtual events in this time of uncertainty. We will continue to monitor the situation closely and will keep our members updated on future events. We would like to thank all our sponsors and members for your continued support. We wish you and your family to stay safe and healthy as we emerge through this together. 


Gyan Sinha
Railway Association of Southern California